HDLPlanet Knowledge Capsule Nov 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn Vos Savant, US columnist, writer
Editor's note : With OLED getting commercialized, its a significant revolution in the display technology. Plastic being used as a glowing device, is by no means a thing to ignore. We needn't wonder if we soon see someone's synthetic shirt start glowing in the night, Or even rear bumper of a car glowing at nights. But science/technology advancements is always paired with its evil brother, so is there anything evil in OLEDs ? Something to wait and watch... I. Knowledge capsule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o For the blooming professionals Do you know about OLED ? OLED - Organic Light Emitting Diode is an electronic device made by placing a series of organic thin films between two conductors. On applying current a bright light is emitted. Traditional LEDs which are made using semi-conducting elements such as silicon, gallium and so on with normal semiconductor production techniques. On the contrary, OLEDs are made from plastic compounds originally investigated for making amplifiers or switches. Light emitting effect was discovered almost by accident. Since plastics are much easier to work with in production, OLEDs have the potential to be used in many more ways than other displays. With the regular applications in mind, OLEDs have the potential to fully dislodge the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) market. Unlike LCDs, OLEDs are self luminous and do not require backlighting. This eliminates the need for bulky and environmentally undesirable mercury lamps and yields a thinner, more compact display. Are there any more advantages of OLEDs ? - One of the limitations of LCDs is its narrow viewing angle. OLEDs have a wide view angle (upto 160 degrees), even in bright light. - More power efficient. The IDTech screen claims to use 25 watts to create 300 candela per square meter brightness. Equivalent LCDs use three times as much power. - Greater brightness - Faster response time for full motion video - Wide viewing anlges (upto 160 degrees) - Greater environmental durability - More cost-effective - Broader operating temperature range - Lighter weight Are there any applications available based on this technology ? - Cellular Phones, Digital Video Cameras, DVD Players - Outdoor advertising screens - All LCD market segments - Kodak has included an OLED display in its new camera - Samsung has used it in its writwatch GPRS mobile phone - IDTech (Taiwanese Company) has announced a 20 inch monitor based on this OLED Technology. All these announcements are significant. o For the budding professionals What is Physical Design (aka BACKEND) now ?? Think of ASIC construction as some house construction. Everyone in front end decides what are the rooms required in the house, how many individual rooms are required, what should be the contents of individual rooms ? how every room is designed individually. Here house is analogous to the ASIC and the rooms are analogous to individual modules of the ASIC. Physical construction of the house starts later.... the engineer decides the placement of individual rooms within the pre-decided site (of a particular size). Similarly for ASICs the backend engineer decides about placement of individual modules on the silicon. This could be gated by various design rules. One other important criteria is congestion within the chip. Congestion should be equally distributed across the whole chip. This process is known as "Placement". After the rooms and other stuff are decided to be placed at particular positions on the chip, then comes the task of routing the electrical network as required for all the rooms. Similarly, once the "placement" phase is over, interconnection routing of individual modules and spreading across the electrical network forms the so called "Routing" phase. This is just a brief analogy for what backend means, but definitely there is more depth in it and there is lot more work done in the backend phase. Evaluation of system timing, EMI, cross-talk, and other DSM issues are undertaken in this phase of the chip design. II. Automation Arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to view a continuously growing file ? Some files, such as program log files or simulation transcripts keep growing while the program is still running. It is always our interest to watch what is being written to the file as it's being written, but normally we're sick of typing a "cat <file_name>" command every minute or two. The "tail <file_name>" command shows you the last 10 lines of a file. This saves you watching the whole file scroll past when we're only interested in the last few lines. Tail can also be used to 'follow/monitor' a file as it's being written. In this mode the last 10 lines are printed on the screen, and then extra lines are printed as they're written to the file. The command is "tail -f <file_name>" This is of great help when the completion of the job takes a long time, but you are interested in looking at the intermediate steps result that is being dumped into the file. This "tail -f" command can be terminated by "CTRL-C". III. Humour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Normal people ... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet" - Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated the copyrights on all the information provided in this newsletter and also the trademarks belongs to their respective owners. Keeping the focus of HDLPlanet on knowledge sharing, the information here could be just a collection from other sources. This newsletter also doesn't quote for any particular company. The links provided here are verified at the time of publishing of the newsletter. We don't guarantee the existence of the contents in the links all time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDLPlanet Knowledge Capsule Nov 2003