These are some of the questions most often seen on any related news groups (comp.lang.vhdl,
comp.lang.verilog &
Though there are quite a good pointers to all these in the FAQs,
people keep asking for more. Well in my opinion that FAQ is a superset of
everything, but here I can only give my view on any particular book. I would be
pleased to have your reviews on any books, so that I can post it here. This is
sure to help everyone who are looking for books & reviews on them.
Books on VHDL |
VHDL - Douglas L. Perry
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This book does start with the basics required like VHDL constructs,
behavioral modeling, sequential processing, etc., but as the author by himself
says, "this book was written to help hardware design engineers to
better model their designs". However, I personally don't feel
that the book is quite succinct for the beginners and doesn't go to abstracts
in the introductory sections. Coding style used in the examples isn't upto the
mark. Design techniques used in the vending machine example aren't the best.
The positive aspects of the book are a couple of chapters on synthesis which
definitely give the beginner some idea of synthesis aspects in digital system
design. Overall, beginners can go for this book at the graduate course level. |
The Designer's Guide to VHDL - Peter J. Ashenden
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This is one of the best books available on VHDL. This book targets
beginners in VHDL and engineers who have very less or no experience in
programming. This introduces the idea of hardware description language and
delineates all the set down reasons for its use and the benefits that ensue.
Further, all VHDL constructs used for hardware modeling are covered in detail.
Also it covers some advanced modeling features like resolved signals,
configuration, generics & parameterizing the behavior and structure of a
design, with good case studies. Also the appendix covers basic synthesis
aspects. One advantage in this book is the use of very good examples. I
strongly suggest this book for beginners. |
VHDL Analysis & Modeling of Digital Systems
- Zainalabedin
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This is one other good book, but I have seen everyone who has read this book
giving a different opinion about this. Anyway as I would see, anyone with prior
knowledge of VHDL atleast the introduction and able to write some code on his
own will definitely appreciate this book. At certain points the authors goes
deep into the topic (simulation, delays etc...) and that could cause some
inconvenience to beginners but I appreciate these because this is the first book
covering those topics in depth that I have come across. This has got an entire
design example (Parwan CPU), which I really appreciate. Apart from all modeling
aspects this also has an appendix for VHDL synthesis subset. I suggest having
slight prior knowledge in VHDL before going for this book.
VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - Ben Cohen
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This is one of the most recent books that I finished reading. As the book
title says, this is not a book for learning, instead this aims at addressing the
most frequently asked & quite interesting questions in VHDL, synthesis,
simulation and VHDL verification. I am not laying it on thick if I say that this
book addresses several questions which have never been addressed in many other
most popular books. The author is very active in the news groups and hence he
keeps track of the interesting issues that come up in the groups and all those
are addressed here with exceptionally good and concise solutions. I strongly
suggest this book for every student and engineer, but after some experience with
VHDL. Also the way the author has presented makes me say he's the best author I
have come across.
HDL Chip Design - Douglas J. Smith
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This is another good book that explains all the basic language aspects of
both VHDL & Verilog. Beginners can definitely choose this book because it
describes the concepts involved with good amount of examples. This book explains
all the concepts in parallel with both VHDL & Verilog. In all this covers
the language aspects, simulation and synthesis aspects along with modeling
issues, techniques and recommendations. I strongly suggest this book for
bridging between VHDL & Verilog, in the sense that those who are moving from
either VHDL to Verilog or from Verilog to VHDL will definitely appreciate this
Books on Verilog
Verilog HDL - Samir Palnitkar
HDLPlanet's Review (Harish Y S)
This is the only specialized Verilog book I have read so far. This is an
excellent book covering all the basics of Verilog, different modeling aspects
(behavioral, data-flow, gate-level and switch-level). This also covers timing
and delay aspects very well. PLI being an important part of Verilog is also
addressed in a good way. Author also successfully accounts for the logic
synthesis and verification aspects in Verilog. This also has two good examples
of synthesizable FIFO & behavioral DRAM models. I suggest this book
for beginners in Verilog and for me this book seems to be complete.